





Because Walnuts are one of the healthiest nuts and are highly recommended by doctors. Good for your daily intake and if you are on a diet. Walnuts are also included in the category of Superfood which is a food category that is highly recommended for consumption, because it has many benefits for your body and health.



Many people are still confused and difficult to distinguish between Walnuts and Almonds.


Here's the difference between Walnuts and Almonds.



Walnuts are a plant belonging to the walnut family of Burseraceae in the genus Canarium. This plant is believed to come from Maluku and Vanuatu. The part that can be utilized from this plant is fruit, especially the contents of the seeds. Walnuts contain seeds wrapped in a hard shell. Inside this shell there are contents that contain fat and protein so often called nuts. Apart from being eaten or use as toppings, walnuts are also often extracted to extract the oil. Walnuts are among the best nuts because they contain a lot of omega 3. Please note, omega 3 is very good for supporting heart health, has anti-inflammatory properties, and reduces the effects of asthma and arthritis. In every 1 serving or 8 ounces of chopped walnuts contain at least 180 calories. Walnuts can be eaten just like that or can be use as a cake topping. It is recommended to roast or bake walnuts first so that the savory taste and distinctive aroma come out more.




Almonds are plants that produce almonds that belong to the Rosaceae family in the genus Prunus. Almonds are produced by plants called Latin Prunus dulcis. This fruit is coated with leather that resembles a skin. If the fruit is peeled and the shell is broken, the contents contained in it are usually called almonds. Almonds are oval with pointed edges. This fruit usually grows in the area of ​​the armpit of the leaves. In one stalk there is usually only one almond. Fruit that is still raw is light green, then gradually becomes yellowish as the fruit's maturity level increases. It takes a separate technique to peel the almonds and remove the nuts because the fruit shell is very hard. This process begins by soaking the almonds first so the texture becomes soft. Then only the layers of skin, meat, and shells of the almonds are removed. After the almonds are clean, the beans are dried in the sun to dry so the texture becomes hard again.



Difference between Walnuts and Almonds :

  1. Walnuts are native to Indonesia, precisely in Maluku. While almonds are imported plants.
  2. Walnut plants are included in the family Burseraceae and almond plants belonging to the Rosaceae family.
  3. Round shaped walnuts. Unlike the almonds which are oval-shaped with a pointed tip.
  4. Generally, the size of a walnut is bigger than an almond.
  5. Layer of meat on walnuts is usually thicker than almonds.
  6. On one stalk of walnuts there can be 3 at a time. But each stalk of almonds only contains 1 fruit.
  7. Walnuts contain lots of omega 3. Meanwhile, almonds are a source of magnesium, potassium, and vitamin E.


What are the benefits of walnuts for your body and your health?

1. Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels in the blood increase the risk of various diseases, such as strokes and even heart attacks. Eating walnuts regularly is proven to be effective for lowering cholesterol. In addition, the content of amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids in walnuts has an anti-inflammatory function and also prevents the formation of blood clots.


2. Prevent Diabetes

All types of nuts, including walnuts, are associated with a reduced risk of developing diabetes. Based on research, women who consume 28 grams of walnuts twice a week, 24% less risk for type 2 diabetes. In addition, for people with type 2 diabetes, consuming walnuts on a regular basis is also beneficial to reduce blood sugar levels.


3. Maintaining Bone Health

Bone loss or osteoporosis is a common disease with age. To help bones stay strong and healthy until old age, eating walnuts can be an option. Walnuts contain fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid or ALA. Based on research, ALA has the benefit of maintaining bone health and strength, as well as helping bone formation.


4. Overcoming Sleep Difficulty

Often have insomnia or sleeplessness at night? Try to eat walnuts as a snack. Walnuts contain melatonin, a hormone produced by the body with the function of regulating the sleep cycle or circadian rhythm. Because melatonin has been produced by the body, eating walnuts means adding melatonin levels in the body which results in drowsiness.


5. Natural nutrition for your skin.

Eating walnuts on a regular basis makes the skin look younger, healthier and shinier because of the content of vitamin E and antioxidants. Besides being eaten, walnuts can also be used as scrubs to remove dead skin cells. The trick with mashing (or you can blender) walnuts, mix with honey and stir. You can also add other ingredients such as olive oil or lemon water for better results. After that apply evenly on the face, wait for 15 minutes then massage the face with a circular motion for three minutes, then rinse with warm water.


6. Reduce weight

Do you want to reduce weight but you like eating snacks? Walnuts can be a choice of snacks for those of you who are on a diet program. Apart from being able to increase the body's metabolism, consuming just a little walnut can make the stomach feel full. Stomach that satiety reduces appetite and will help you manage your weight.


7. Overcoming stress

If stress has begun to disrupt your health, then now is the right time to eat walnuts. Researchers found that eating nuts and walnut oil can reduce blood pressure which is a response to stress. In addition, other ingredients in walnuts such as fatty acids and omega 3, are nutrients that make walnuts effective in dealing with stress.


8. Maintain brain function

The brain is one of the vital organs in the body, so we should take care of its health. One of the right ways to maintain brain function is by consuming walnuts. As mentioned earlier, walnuts contain a lot of omega 3. By consuming walnuts, we can prevent the emergence of diseases related to brain functions such as Alzheimer's and dementia.


9. Helps the development of the fetus

Although small in size, walnuts have enormous benefits if consumed by pregnant women. The high content of omega 3 in walnuts helps the formation of the fetal brain, formation of the retina and also helps the growth of the nervous system. While the fatty acid content in walnuts can reduce the possibility of babies experiencing food allergies later.


10. Maintain healthy hair

One of the causes of hair loss is lack of vitamin B7 or commonly called biotin. This can be prevented by consuming walnuts which are rich in vitamin B7. Walnuts also contain various components such as omega 6 fatty acids, zinc, and iron which are known to be important for hair growth and prevent hair loss and strengthen hair follicles.


11. Healthy liver

Walnuts contain a lot of antioxidants so they can prevent damage to your liver. Because the antioxidants in them are very important for your body. The antioxidants found in walnuts are antioxidants of glutathione. These antioxidants are central to antioxidants in the human body. These antioxidants must always remain in production so that the body is not susceptible to disease.


12. Prevent prostate cancer

Recent research published in the Cancer Investigation journal shows that consumption of 56 grams of walnuts every day can prevent prostate cancer and inhibit the emergence of tumors.